By the mississippi river in downtown memphis
The best way to get to Tom Lee Park is to walk from one of the more than 2,OOO parking spots within a couple blocks of a park entrance. Why not grab a coffee or stop in at a local restaurant on your way to or from the park?

Walking & Biking
The Cutbank Bluff is a gently-graded, ADA-compliant, switchback ramp that connects Downtown Memphis to the riverfront.
Access the Cutbank Bluff from Lynne Jordan Turley Plaza where Vance Avenue meets the Bluff Walk (formerly Vance Park). -
Take the bluff staircases into Tom Lee Park where Vance, Huling and Butler Avenues meet the Bluff Walk.
The River Line connects the riverfront north-south.
If you’re traveling south from River Garden, follow the sidewalk along Riverside Drive and past Beale Street Landing into the park.
If you’re traveling north from Martyrs Park, follow the path through Ashburn Coppock Park and into Tom Lee Park. -
There are bike racks adjacent to Riverside Drive at each park entrance.
There is also a bike commuter station at the Downtown Memphis Mobility Center.
There are two bike share stations in Tom Lee Park. They are located street side of the Playground and Picnic Deck.
Address: 210 Wagner Pl, Memphis, TN 38103
Pre-pay with Premium Parking P2706
Directions to the park: Walk down Beale Street towards the river. Turn left and continue walking south on Riverside past Beale Street Landing into Tom Lee Park.
Address: 60 Beale St., Memphis, TN, 38103
Pre-pay with Premium Parking P2757.
Directions to the park: Walk Beale Street towards the river, then turn left onto Riverside Drive. Walk past Beale Street Landing and into Tom Lee Park.
There are parallel parking spaces along Riverside Drive adjacent to Tom Lee Park.
There is plentiful street parking throughout downtown. Most spots are free, but look out for meters on Main Street and Dr. MLK Junior Avenue. City meters are free on Sundays.
234-238 S Front St, Memphis, TN 38103
Pay at Exit with cash or credit card
The garage has daily parking rates: 1 hour ($2), 1-2 hours ($4), 2-3 hours ($6), 3-4 hours ($8), Daily Max ($12)
Option A. Exit the garage so that you are on S. Front Street. Turn left and walk straight along S. Front Street and then turn left onto Vance Avenue. Continue on until you reach the Vance Avenue entrance to the park.
Option B. Exit the garage so that you are on S. Front Street. Turn right and walk down towards the next light. Then turn left onto Beale Street and walk down to the Beale Street Landing Entrance.
Address: 395 S Main St, Memphis, TN 38103
Pre-pay with Premium Parking P2703
Directions: Walk Huling Avenue toward the river (away from Main St) for four blocks. You’ll arrive at the Huling stairs to access Tom Lee Park.
Address: 495 Tennessee St., Memphis, TN 38103
Pay by scanning the bar code on your phone (or online)
There is a parking gate that will rise for you upon entrance. Scan the barcode on your phone again when returning to the garage to pick up your car.
Directions to the park: Exit the garage onto Mina Ave., then turn right onto Tennessee Street. Walk north towards Butler Ave and By the Brewery cafe. Cross at Butler to enter Tom Lee Park via the Butler stairs.
Public Transit
MATA routes 12, 13, 39, and 57 all stop within walking distance of Tom Lee Park.
2nd & Beale - Walk seven blocks west on Beale Street and south on Riverside Drive into Tom Lee Park.
2nd & Vance - Walk six blocks west on Vance Avenue to the Cutbank Bluff.
2nd & Butler - Walk seven blocks west on Butler Ave to the Butler staircase.
The Main Street trolley stops at Beale Street, Huling Ave and Butler Ave. Walk west from the trolley stops to a park entrance.